Verified platform for footballers

For Soccer Players

Professional Profile

The soccer player can put together their professional profile by uploading their personal data, career, photos, videos, press releases and all the information that makes their profile more complete and attractive.

+ Features

News Wall

All the latest activities carried out by the footballers within the platform are displayed globally, such as new photos, videos, careers and more information.

Data just a click away

Football Player Search

As a result, through filters, a visual list is obtained with brief information about the footballers within the platform, being able to navigate to their profile.

Just a click away from
footballers, clubs and agents

Football players create their own network and expand their horizons

Contacts are generated between users of the platform (footballers and footballer seekers) in a safe way. Said contact is established using the internal messaging platform, without providing personal contact data between users.

+ Content

Exclusive content for social networks

Audiovisual content is automatically generated so that each user can share their sports passport wherever they want.

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